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Through a series of video lessons, the Masterclass explores key questions surrounding labour inspection, from the scope and functions of labour inspection systems to the challenges inspectors face in today’s dynamic and evolving world of work. With insights from experts and practitioners worldwide, this course was designed to enhance efforts toward better compliance, addressing critical occupational safety and health issues and emerging labour market trends.

This learning journey begins by examining the scope and functions of the labour inspection system, including the essential international standards that guide inspectors’ work. It then delves into the powers and methods of inspection, followed by a detailed discussion on occupational safety and health (OSH), focusing on both traditional hazards and modern psychosocial risks.

Throughout the lessons, insights are shared on real-world approaches and practices from various regions, illustrating how inspectors manage machinery safety, promote compliance and handle irregularities in employment relationships, such as undeclared work and labour exploitation. The complexities of labour mobility, cross-border enforcement and the future of labour inspection in a rapidly changing world—where new forms of employment challenge traditional inspection frameworks—are also explored.


At the end of this Masterclass, participants had the opportunity to deepen their understanding of:

  • scope and functions of the labour inspection system and their grounding in international standards;

  • powers and methods of inspection, including approaches for effective compliance and enforcement;

  • human and economic imperatives of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH);

  • machinery safety standards: identifying risks, applying safety rules and adapting to technological advancements;

  • modern OSH inspections with a focus on addressing psychosocial risks and fostering a culture of prevention;

  • strategies to resolve common irregularities, leveraging insights from practical labour inspections;

  • non-compliance in labour mobility through targeted enforcement and cross-border cooperation;

  • trends in labour inspection, preparing to overcome challenges and leverage new opportunities in a rapidly changing world of work.


  • Scope and functions of the labour inspection system

  • Powers and methods of inspection

  • Human and economic imperatives of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

  • Mastering machinery safety: risks, rules and the tech challenge

  • Modern OSH Inspections: addressing psychosocial risks and building culture of prevention

  • From irregularities to solutions: strategies and insights from labour inspections

  • Tackling non-compliance in labour mobility: risks, enforcement, and cross-border cooperation

  • The future of labour inspection: hitting the wall or climbing new heights?

NUMBER OF HOURS: 1.5 hours

Issued on

January 8, 2025

Expires on

Does not expire